
When Our Mind Splits

Imagine your mind is like a person who can’t decide what to wear. Sometimes it wants to be outgoing, other times it wants to hide. This is called a polarity – when your mind is split into two opposite sides.

Let’s use an example:

  • One part of you wants to be open and find love
  • Another part wants to stay closed off to avoid getting hurt.

These two parts of you are fighting each other. It’s like having a mini-argument in your head all the time.

The same thing happens in your mind:

  1. When you’re single, the “closed” part is happy because you’re safe from getting hurt.
  2. But the “open” part is upset because you’re not finding love.
  3. If you start dating someone, the “open” part is happy.
  4. But now the “closed” becomes defended because you might get hurt.

No matter what you do, one part of you is always unhappy. It’s exhausting!

The trick is to stop completely identifying with either side. Instead of being torn between “open” and “closed,” you can learn to be comfortable either way. This means you can be single or in a relationship without constant worry or stress.

It’s about finding balance and not letting these opposing forces control you. When you do this, you’re free to make choices based on what’s best for you, not just reacting to your fears or desires.

But how do we achieve that balance, equilibrium, and inner peace?

We look at and release the emotional triggers that arise from that situation, concept or belief.

Using a simple self-inquiry process, I can show you how to release these emotions and establish a state of inner peace.

Want to know more?

Contact me: [email protected]