The Essence of Being: Discovering Your Wholeness

Unveiling the Universal Felt-Sense How does one uncover their wholeness? The answer lies in experiencing the simple, yet profound feeling of being. This universal felt-sense, or nonverbal inner knowing, is something we all share (Gendlin 1982). It’s a constant, quiet presence in the background of our lives, often unnoticed until explicitly brought to our attention. … Read more

Understanding the Ego: Your Sense of Self

The Evolution and Function of the Ego The ego, or personal self, is a product of millions of years of evolution. Its primary function is to create a sense of individuality by personalising the non-personal events occurring in your body and mind. This process transforms raw experiences into personal narratives: Early Development and the Emergence … Read more

The Mind is a Habit

Q: I don’t understand how one can realise one’s true self and then find after a while that somehow the ‘self’ starts to arise again. How can the belief in a separate self remain, even whenyou’ve seen it? Yes. It’s quite simple. It’s because the mind is a habit. The mind has been rehearsing the … Read more

The Clash of Opposites

The setup of everyone’s life is a dramatic confrontation of opposites. The conventional tags we apply to this clash of opposites—pleasure versus pain, good versus evil, light versus darkness, love versus fear, God versus the Devil—are mind-made. Viewed cosmically, there is either evolution or entropy. Entropy is on the side of decay and destruction, but … Read more