One of the applications of releasing is dissolving resistance to goals. And it's very simple - deceptively simple.
Let me explain:
When we have a goal, we tend to fight ourselves unconsciously. There's almost always a belief getting in the way.
This comes from wanting. Sounds strange, doesn't it? Well, if you think about it, when we want things, it means that we don't have them - there's an unconscious sense of lack.
When we go for goals from a place of equilibrium - free from attachment to any particular outcome, we're free from wants that get in the way.
The most basic wants are the need for approval, control, security and survival.
When we release these wants, there is a tendency or a greater possibility for our goals to become realized.
Ultimately, when you fully let go of all these wants I've listed, there will be no need for goals in the same way that you once thought there was.
At that point, goals will arise spontaneously from your sense of peace or equilibrium.
In the next post, we'll look at attachment, aversion, and polarities.
"Perhaps as many as twenty percent of people in Western developed nations have had the Narrative-Self’s voice fall completely silent for at least a moment, with maybe half a percent having it become persistently far less influential or leave altogether. This is a massively life-changing event for both groups. Even those who only get a glimpse typically rate it as among the most important and positively transformative events in their lives."
-- The Finders - Dr. Jeffery A. Martin
I too would rate this as the most important discovery in my life.
Over the weeks, I'll elaborate on this and hopefully, show you direct ways in which you can experience this too.